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Chatillon Scales

Chatillon Scales
Authorized Dealer
We are pleased to offer our customers Chatillon balances, scales, force measurement equipment and force testing products  - always at low, discount prices..Chatillon is a leading manufacturer and global supplier of force measurement instruments and systems for production, quality and R&D in a host of applications and markets
Force Gauges
Force Gauges
Medical Force Testing Products
Medical Force Testing Products
Digital Motorized Test Stands
Test Stands
Gripping Fixtures
Gripping Fixtures
Crane Scales
Crane Scales
Fishing / Pull Spring Scales
Spring Scales
Hanging Scales
Hanging Scales
Bench / Platform Scales
Bench / Platform Scales
Force Testing Software
Force Testing Software

Force Gauges Chatillon AMETEK impressive line of high speed digital gauges meet the ever increasing industry demands for rapid data acquisition and shorter test durations. Designed for either hand-held use or test stand mounting, these quality gauges can be efficiently controlled by a peripheral computer

Force Gauges
Model DFE-3 Series DFS-3 Series DFS-3 Remote LG Series DG Series
Price from
Capacity x Readability 2 x 0.0001 lbf
10 x 0.001 lbf
25 x 0.001 lbf
50 x 0.001 lbf
100 x 0.01 lbf
200 x 0.01 lbf
500 x 0.01 lbf
lbf, ozf, gf, kgf, N
0.5 x 0.00001 lbf
2 x 0.0001 lbf
10 x 0.001 lbf
25 x 0.001 lbf
50 x 0.001 lbf
100 x 0.01
lbf 200 x 0.01 lbf
500 x 0.01 lbf
lbf, ozf, gf, kgf, N
0.5 x 0.00001 lbf
2 x 0.0001 lbf
10 x 0.001 lbf
25 x 0.001 lbf
50 x 0.001 lbf
100 x 0.01
lbf 200 x 0.01 lbf
500 x 0.01 lbf
1000 x 0.01 lbf
lbf, ozf, gf, kgf, N
80 x 4 oz
2 x 0.01 lb
5 x 0.025 lb
10 x 0.05 lb
20 x 0.1 lb
30 x 0.15 lb
50 x 0.25 lb
75 x 0.375 lb
100 x 0.5 lb
kg, N
200 x 1 lb
300 x 1.5 lb
400 x 2 lb
500 x 2.5 lb
kg, N
Power Battery Battery Battery - -
Connectivity USB USB USB N/A N/A
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Full list of DFS-3 Remote Options

Force Gauges
Model DFX-II DFE-II Series DFS-II Series DFS-II-R Series DFS-II-R-ND Series
Chatillon DFX-II
Price from
Capacity x Readability 10 lb x 0.01 lb
50 lb x 0.05 lb
100 lb x 0.1 lb
200 lb x 0.2 lb
2 x 0.001 lb
50 x 0.01 lb
500 x 0.1 lb
kg, N
0.5 x 0.0001 lb
2 x 0.0002 lb
10 x 0.001 lb
25 x 0.002 lb
50 x 0.005 lb
100 x 0.01 lb
200 x 0.02 lb
500 x 0.05 lb
kg, N
0.5 x 0.0001 lb
2 x 0.0002 lb
10 x 0.001 lb
25 x 0.002 lb
50 x 0.005 lb
100 x 0.01 lb
200 x 0.02 lb
500 x 0.05 lb
1000 x 0.01 lb
kg, N
0.5 x 0.0001 lb
2 x 0.0002 lb
10 x 0.001 lb
25 x 0.002 lb
50 x 0.005 lb
100 x 0.01 lb
200 x 0.02 lb
500 x 0.05 lb
1000 x 0.01 lb
2000 x 0.02 lb
5000 x 0.5 lb
10,000 x 1 lb
kg, N
Power Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery
Connectivity RS-232C, Digimatic and ±1 VDC analog output RS-232 serial data, USB, Mitutoyo Digimatic, +2Vdc Analog Bluetooth�, USB ,RS-232 serial data, Mitutoyo (Digimatic) and +2Vdc analog Bluetooth�, USB ,RS-232 serial data, Mitutoyo (Digimatic) and +2Vdc analog Bluetooth�, USB ,RS-232 serial data, Mitutoyo (Digimatic) and +2Vdc analog
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Medical Force Testing Products Chatillon AMETEK Chatillon Medical Force Testing Products - Dolorimeters, job strength analysis, muscle testing, job task testing and more

Medical Force Testing Products
Model Mechanical Strength Evaluator Mechanical Job Task Analyzer Digital DFX Series K-DFE Series
Mechanical Strength Evaluator Mechanical Job Task Analyzer DFX K-DFE
Price from
Capacity x Readability 100 lb x 0.5 lb 200 lb x 1 lb
500 lb x 2.5 lb
100 lb x 0.1 lb
200 lb x 0.2 lb
100 x 0.1 lb
500 x 0.1 lb
Power - - Battery Battery Adapter/Charger
Connectivity - - RS-232 RS-232 serial data, Mitutoyo (Digimatic) and +2Vdc analog
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Test Stands Chatillon's line of manual motorized and digital test stands provide all the necessary options to meet your demanding testing needs. Used in conjunction with Chatillon digital gauges, the digital stands can provide for computer-controlled simultaneous data transmission. The rugged manual and motorized test stands provide accurate, dependable performance and are designed to be practically maintenance-free.

  • Manual Stands - Rugged and reliable, these lower priced test stands are suitable for a wide variety of products and materials. Can be rigidly mounted to the work bench.
  • Digital Motorized Test Stands - Offers digital display of speed and deflection, full keypad control and bi-directional RS232, allowing for remote computer control. Can be programmed for speed, for high and low detection set points, and for single or continuous cycling.

Test Stands
Model MT Series TCM LTCM-500 TT Pneumatic
MT Series Test Stands TCM Series Test Stands LTCM-500 Series Test Stands TT Pneumatic Series Test Stands
Price Call
for lowest price
Capacity 150 lb (660 N)
565 lb (2.5 kN)
100 lb (500 N)
350 lb (1500 N)
550 lb (2500 N) 500 lb (2.5 kN)
Travel Rates Lever: 75 mm (3 in) per revolution
Handwheel: 12 mm (0.5 in per revolution)
16 inches
(406 mm)
(750 mm)
160 PSIG
(121.2 bar)
Crosshead Speed 150 mm (6 in) 0.2 to 40 in/min
(5.08 to 1016 mm/min)
0.2 to 20 in/min
(5 to 500 mm/min
Throat 150 mm (6 in) 3.98 in (100mm) 5 inch (130mm) N/A
Test Stroke N/A N/A N/A 6 inch(150mm)
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Handheld ScalesChatillon has a few to choose from: The IN Series fishing scale is one of our most popular linear scales. They are ideal for weighing fish, testing your line or setting your drag. The LP Series push and pull linear scales are designed for economy without compromising functionality.The 516 Series push/pull linear scales feature a sturdy brass construction with precision steel springs that are individually calibrated to NIST standards.The 719 Series push/pull linear scales feature a sturdy brass construction with precision steel springs that are individually calibrated to NIST standards.

Mechanical Spring Scales
Model Chatillon IN-Series Chatillon Iron Clad Chatillon 516 & 719 Series Chatillon LP Series
Chatillon IN-Series Chatillon Iron Clad Chatillon 516 & 719 Series Chatillon LP Series
Price From
Capacity x Readability 2 lb x 0.5 oz
6 lb x 1 oz
12 lb x 2 oz
25 lb x 4 oz
60 lb x 8 oz
100 lb x 1 lb
1 kg x 20 g
3 kg x 25 g
6 kg x 50 g
12.5 kg x 100 g
25 kg x 250 g
100 lb x 1 lb
200 lb x 2 lb
500 lb x 5 lb
1 lb x 1/4 oz
2 lb x 1/2 oz
5 lb x 1 oz
10 lb x 2 oz
20 lb x 4 oz
40 lb x 8 oz
500 g x 5 g
1000 g x 10 g
2.25 kg x 0.05 kg
4.5 kg x 0.05 kg
9 kg x 0.1 kg
18 kg x 0.2 kg
36 oz x 1/2 oz
72 oz x 1 oz
15 lb x 4 oz
2025 g x 25 g
1020 g x 20 g
6804 g x 100
Type Pull Pull Push / Pull Push / Pull
Maximum Reading Pointer Optional NO Optional NO
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Bench / Platform ScalesChatillon has a few to choose from: The HB Series portable beam scale features a rugged cast-iron construction with corrosion-resistant loops, bearings and noise irons, making it ideal for industrial plants, warehouses and terminals. The PBB Series portable bench beam scales are ideal for laboratory, industrial, educational or commercial use. The BP13 Series bench platform scale features a large, easy-to-read 13-inch (330 mm) dial with knife-edge pointer for accurate measurements, and suitable for H44 Class lll "Legal for Trade" applications. The BP15 Series bench platform scale features a large, easy-to-read 15-inch (380 mm) dial with knife-edge pointer for accurate measurements. The PDT Series Floor Platform Dial Scale features a large, easy-to-read 13-inch (330 mm) dial with knife-edge pointer for accurate measurements

Bench / Platform Scales
Model Chatillon HB-Series Chatillon PDT-Series Chatillon BP13/15 Series Chatillon PBB Series
Chatillon HB-Series Bench Scales Chatillon PDT-Series Bench Scales Chatillon BP13/15 Series Bench Scales Chatillon PBB Series Bench Scales
Capacity x Readability 1000 x 0.5 lb
500 x 0.25 kg
65 lb x 2 oz
130 lb x 4 oz
260 lb x 8 oz
65 lb x 2 oz
200 lb x 4 oz
260 lb x 8 oz
520 lb x 1 lb
25 kg x 50 g
50 kg x 100 g
100 kg x 250 g
200 kg x 500 g
50 x 2 lb
125 x 5 lb
25 x 1 kg
50 x 2 kg
Price From
Legal for Trade
Platform Size 18" x 27" 17" x 12" 13.5" x 19" 12" x 17"
Dial Size N/A 13" 15" N/A
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Hanging Scales Chatillon AMETEK hanging scales for precision weighing come in a wide range of shapes, sizes and with different features. Our popular hanging scales are often used in fruit and vegetables stores, grocery stores, supermar.

Hanging Scales
Model Century Series Chatillon Mechanical Hanging Chatillon 4200 Series Chatillon 8200 Series Chatillon Autopsy Scales
Century Series Chatillon Mechanical Hanging Chatillon 4200 Series Chatillon 8200 Series Chatillon Autopsy Scales
Capacity from 20 lb x 1/2 oz
40 lb x 1 oz
20 kg x 50 g
50 lb x 1/4 lb
60 lb x 1 oz
200 lb x 1/2 lb
400 lb x 1 lb
30 lb x 1/2 oz
60 lb x 1 oz
15 kg x 20 g
30 kg x 50 g
30 lb x 1/2 oz
60 lb x 1 oz
15 kg x 20 g
9 kg x 10 g
15 kg x 20 g
Price From
Dial Size 7" 7"
9" 13" 9"
Legal for Trade N/A N/A
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Crane Scales Chatillon AMETEK The range of Chatillon crane scales covers digital crane scales as well as mechanical crane scales. Digital crane scales are ideal for weighing heavy materials in warehouses. Mechanical crane scales are often used for measuring tension, traction and weight and are often used for weighing at plantations.

Crane Scales
Model CDR-Series CMA-Series CTR-Series DWT-Series WT-12 Series TD-5 Series
CDR-Series Crane Scales CMA-Series Crane Scales CTR-Series Crane Scales DWT-Series Crane Scales WT-12 Series Crane Scales TD-5 Series Crane Scales
Capacity 66 lb x 0.02 lb
132 lb x 0.05 lb
330 lb x 0.1 lb
660 lb x 0.2 lb
1320 lb x 0.5 lb
30 kg x 10 g
60 kg x 20 g
150 kg x 50 g
300 kg x 100 g
600 kg x 200 g
1320 lb x 0.5 lb
2200 lb x 0.5 lb
4400 lb x 1 lb
6600 lb x 2 lb
11,000 lb x 2 lb
22,000 lb x 5 lb
600 kg x 0.1 kg
1000 kg x 0.2 kg
2000 kg x 0.5 kg
3000 kg x 1 kg
5000 kg x 1 kg
10,000 kg x 2 kg
6600 lb x 1 lb
11,000 lb x 2 lb
22,000 lb x 5 lb
33,000 lb x 10 lb
44,000 lb x 20 lb
66,000 lb x 20 lb
3000 kg x 0.5 kg
5000 kg x 1 kg
10,000 kg x 2 kg
15,000 kg x 5 kg
20,000 kg x 10 kg
30,000 kg x 10 kg
1000 lb x 0.5 lb
2000 lb x 1 lb
5000 lb x 2 lb
10000 lb x 5 lb
20000 lb x 10 lb
500 kg x 0.2 kg
1000 kg x 0.5 kg
2500 kg x 1 kg
5000 kg x 2 kg
10000 kg x 5 kg
500 lb x 2 lb
1000 lb x 5 lb
2000 lb x 10 lb
5000 lb x 20 lb
10000 lb x 50 lb
20000 lb x 100 lb
200 kg x 1 kg
500 kg x 2 kg
1000 kg x 5 kg
2000 kg x 10 kg
5000 kg x 20 kg
10000 kg x 50 kg
500 lb x 5 lb
1000 lb x 10 lb
2000 lb x 20 lb
5000 lb x 50 lb
10000 lb x 100 lb
20000 lb x 200 lb
200 kg x 2 kg
500 kg x 5 kg
1000 kg x 10 kg
2000 kg x 20 kg
5000 kg x 50 kg
10000 kg x 100 kg
Price From
Dial Size N/A N/A N/A N/A 12" 5"
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Grips & Attachements Chatillon AMETEK Each testing application is unique in some way and to cover the many different materials, shapes and sizes of samples that can be tested on our material testing machines and force measurement gauges; we offer a wide range of grips, fixtures, jigs and probes for a variety of test types.

Grips & Attachements
GF-51 Chuck Grips
Chuck Grips
GF-9 Universal Tensile Grips
Universal Tensile Grips
GF-11 Miniature Tensile Grip
Miniature Tensile Grip
01-1388 (TG15) Sliding Wedge Grip
01-1388 (TG15)
Sliding Wedge Grip
TG-33 Spring Loaded Tension Grip
Spring Loaded Tension Grip
GF-1 Manually Tightened Tensile Grips
Manually Tightened Tensile Grips
GF-12 Miniature Component Grip
Miniature Component Grip
GF-53 Miniature Tensile Grips
Miniature Tensile Grips
01-0671 (TG-34) Thin Film Vice Grip
01-0671 (TG-34)
Thin Film Vice Grip
01-1590 (TG-74) Adjustable Rear Face Vice Grips
01-1590 (TG-74)
Adjustable Rear Face Vice Grips
01-1502 (TG-26) Quick Release Vise Grip
01-1502 (TG-26)
Quick Release Vise Grip
GF-6 Narrow Width Rubber & Fabric Grips
Narrow Width Rubber & Fabric Grips
GF-7 Standard Width Rubber & Fabric Grips
Standard Width Rubber & Fabric Grips
01-1829 (TG-12) Bollard Grips
01-1829 (TG-12)
Bollard Grips
01-2092 (TG-10) Eccentric Roller Grips, 25 mm
01-2092 (TG-10)
Eccentric Roller Grips, 25 mm
01-2091 (TG-22) Eccentric Roller Grip, 50 mm
01-2091 (TG-22)
Eccentric Roller Grip, 50 mm
GF-54 Low Force Three-Point Bend Fixture
Low Force Three-Point Bend Fixture
GF-8 Circular Platen for Adhesives Testing
Circular Platen for Adhesives Testing
GF-2 Clevis Grips
Clevis Grips
GF-3 Wire Grips
Wire Grips
GF-4 Miniature Filament Fixtures Grips
Miniature Filament Fixtures Grips
GF-5 Cord & Twine Grips
Cord & Twine Grips
01-1608 (TG-11) Vise Action Grip
01-1608 (TG-11)
Vise Action Grip
TG-412 Pneumatically Actuated Vise Grips, 1100 lb capacity
Pneumatically Actuated Vise Grips, 1100 lb capacity
TG-420 Pneumatically Actuated Vise Grips, 110 lb capacity
Pneumatically Actuated Vise Grips, 110 lb capacity
BA-Series Ball Probes, 110 lb capacity
Ball Probes, 110 lb capacity
CO-Series Cone Probes, 110 lb capacity
Cone Probes, 110 lb capacity
CY-Series Cylinder Probes, 110 lb capacity
Cylinder Probes, 110 lb capacity
Chatillon Ametek Remote Loadcells for DFS3 Series Digital Force Gauges
DFS 3 Remote Sensors
Chatillon Ametek Remote Torque Sensors for DFS3 Series Digital Force Gauges
DFS 3 Remote Torque Sensors

Full line of Grips & Attachements

Chatillon Nexygen & Ondio Force Testing Software
Chatillon NexyGen Software ONDIO and ONDIO Suite
Lets you customize and expand your applications. If you want to modify your NEXYGEN test setup to perform additional functions not part of the standard setup, the ONDIO application builder software is the answer. ONDIO software is based upon the VBScript programming language. ONDIO software presents detailed attributes for your standard package. It presents configurable parameters in three steps: Test Parameters, Primary Script and Secondary Script:
Requires Pentium II processor, 128 MB RAM, 250 MB disk space, CD-ROM for installation from

FREE UPS Ground Shipping

Chatillon Nexygen & Ondio Force Testing Software


Older Force Gauges

Model DFX Series DFE and E-DFE Series DFS Series DFS-R Series DFS-R-ND Series
Capacity x Graduation 10 lb x 0.01 lb -
200 lb x 0.2 lb
2 lb x 0.002 lb -
500 lb x 0.5 lb
0.5 lb x 0.0001 lb -
500 lb x 0.05 lb
0.5 lb x 0.0001 lb -
1100 lb x 0.5 lb
0.55 lb x 0.01 lb -
10000 lb x 1 lb
Price from
Power Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery
Connectivity - RS-232 serial data, Mitutoyo Digimatic, +2Vdc Analog RS-232 serial data, Mitutoyo (Digimatic) and +2Vdc analog RS-232 serial data, Mitutoyo (Digimatic) and +2Vdc analog RS-232 serial data, Mitutoyo (Digimatic) and +2Vdc analog
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Manufacturers: Acculab digital scales | AND electronic scales | Best Weight mechanical scales| Detecto Physician's Scales | CAS digital scales | Chatillon/Ametek mechanical and electronic scales | DigiWeigh Economical Scales | Dillon Crane Scales, Dynamometers & Force Testing Products| Easy Weigh Legal for Trade Scales | Health O Meter Scales | Hoto Instruments | Imada Force Measurement | InScale Floor Scales | Mark-10 Force Testing | Mettler Toledo� | Minx Economical Pocket Scales | Ohaus electronic and mechanical scales | Tanita digital scales | Salter Brecknell | Sartorius Lab Balances | Seca Medical Scales | Great Gift Ideas

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