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Chatillon Grips for Force Measurement - Page 5

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Wire, Yarn, Thread & Cord Grips

Wire grip
Price: $722.28

Wire Grips (GF-3)

Grooved snubber, and post design assures center break of flexible wire up to 1/16" diameter. May also be used for testing cord, rubber or filaments. 1" diameter aluminum snubber is mounted on  swiveling plate so that specimen will align with force when load is applied.  Ball socket mounting screw in upper grip assures proper alignment with lower grip. Capacity: 200 lb; Upper grip weight: 5 oz; Combined grip length: 8-3/4"

Miniature Filament Fixtures
Price: $815.10

Miniature Filament Fixtures Grips (GF-4)

Designed for testing filaments or extremely fine flexible wire up to 1/32" diameter. 7/16" diameter snubber is part of precision machined swiveling fixture which assures specimen alignment with force when load is applied.  All aluminum construction. Additional female adapter (aluminum) is supplied to adapt bottom grip and allow for proper alignment between grips.  Capacity: 50 lb; Upper grip weight: 1-1/2 oz; Combined grip length: 5-1/8"

Cord & Twine grip
Price: $440.33

Cord & Twine Grips (GF-5)

Three non-locking pin design for figure 8 wrap of specimen assures center break, and permits quick installation and release of test piece.  Throat clearance with pins installed and clearance between pins are both 3/8". Throat width is 1/2". Ball socket mounting screw in upper grip assures proper alignment with lower grip. Capacity: 500 lb; Upper grip weight: 6 oz; Combined grip length: 5"

Wire terminal test fixtures
01-1829 (TG-12)
Price: $1280.00

Bollard Grip (01-1829 (TG-12))

For wire, yarns and threads. The sample is wrapped around the bollard and the free end clamped firmly in place. Grip stresses in the specimen are distributed in the material in contact with the bollard circumference.

TG11 Vise Action Grip

01-1608 (TG-11)
Price: $1311.20

Chatillon 01-1608 (TG-11) Vise Action Grip

This vice action grip features replaceable aluminium facing disks, plus other optional faces made of either leather or rubber for delicate specimens. This grip corresponds to the mechanical testing of steel wire per BS4545:1970. Includes upper and lower grip.

Used for tensile testing of soft wire, cord and fiber. The specimen is pulled to break and the relationship is recorded between force and extension. The test also determines other mechanical properties including:

  • Elongation
  • Maximum Force
  • Percentage Elongation
  • Stress
  • Extension
  • Tensile Strength
  • Percentage yield point extension
  • Yield Stress
  • Percentage reduction of area proof stress


Pneumatic Grips

Pneumatic Vise Grip, 1100 lb


Plain Face Set, 25 x 25mm (01-2330), set of 4, add $948.10

Plain Face Set, 25 W x 50 mm 01-2326), set of 4, add $610.85

Plain Face Set, 50 x 50 mm(01-2329), set of 4, add $870.20

Cross Cut Face Set, 50 x 50 mm(01-2327), set of 4, add $1169.31

Pneumatically Actuated Vise Grips, 1100 lb capacity (TG412)

This pneumatically actuated vice grip is operated with a foot pedal (TG412/F) or can be specified for hand operation (TG412/H). Both grip types are supplied with standard plain metal faces (25 x 25mm). Optional jaw faces are available. The TG412 is not supplied when ordering optional faces.

Packaging: includes upper and lower grips with standard plain metal faces.

Applications: General purpose grips for tensile testing of rubber, plastics, textiles and other materials where self tightening is required

Pneumatic Vise Grip, 110 lb


Plain Face Set, 50 x 50 mm(01-1559), set of 4, add $1153.62

Rubber Face Set, 25 x 25 mm(01-1439), set of 4, add $903.24

Rubber Face Set, 50 W x 25 mm(01-1521), set of 4, add $1153.62

Rubber Face Set, 50 W x 50 mm(01-1558), set of 4, add $1245.66

Cross Cut Face Set, 25 x 25 mm(01-1440), set of 4, add $1318.98

Cross Cut Face Set, 50 x 50 mm(01-1566), set of 4, add $1443.00

Pneumatically Actuated Vise Grips, 110 lb capacity (TG420)

This pneumatically actuated vice grip is operated with a foot pedal (TG420/F) or can be specified for hand operation (TG420/H). Both grip types are supplied with standard plain metal faces (25 x 25mm). Optional jaw faces are available. The TG420 is not supplied when ordering optional faces.

Packaging: includes upper and lower grips with standard plain metal faces.

Applications: General purpose grips for tensile testing of rubber, plastics, textiles and other materials where self tightening is required


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