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Inscale Scales

Inscale Industrial Scale
Authorized Dealer
INSCALE offers a comprehensive line of scales, mounts and components for a price conscious, technology driven market. We are uniquely qualified to provide (you) the customer with the right products, the right prices and the right solutions for whatever application you are involved with, in a timely fashion. We are not only a stocking wholesale distribution business, but also a major manufacturer of scales and scale products with an excellent reputation in the weighing industry.
Model Inscale Low Profile Floor Scales Inscale Utility Scales / Drum Scales Inscale Stainless Steel Floor Scales
Inscale Low Profile Floor Scales

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Inscale Utility Scales / Drum Scales

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Inscale Stainless Steel Floor Scales

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Price From
Capacity / Graduation(lb) 1000 x 0.2 lb
2000 x 0.5 lb
5000 x 1 lb
10000 x 2 lb
20000 x 5 lb
Custom Capacity / Graduation Available
1000 x 0.2 - 5000 x 1
Custom Capacity / Graduation Available
5000 x 1 lb
10000 x 2 lb
Custom Capacity / Graduation Available
Plaform Sizes 2 x 2 ft
3 x 3 ft
4 x 4 ft
4 x 6 ft
4 x 8 ft
5 x 5 ft
6 x 6 ft
8 x 8 ft
9 x 9 ft
10 x 10 ft
Custom Plaform Sizes Available
30 x 30 inch
3 x 3 ft
4 x 4 ft
5cx 5 ft
Custom Plaform Sizes Available
2 x 2 ft
3 x 3 ft
4 x 4 ft
4 x 5 ft
4 x 6 ft
5 x 5 ft
5 x 7 ftand
Custom Plaform Sizes Available
Legal for Trade YES - YES
Ramp Optional Include Optional
Portability Kit NO Optional NO
Forklift channel Optional NO NO
Country of Origin Made in USA Made in USA Made in USA
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Digital Floor Scales
Inscale Low Profile Floor Scales
Durable platform withstands heavy industrial use, easy to install and to relocate, install above or below ground, supplied with a TI-500 indicator, available in platforms from 2' square to 10' x 12', optional forklift channels and ramps available
- Legal for Trade
- 200% overload
- 1000 x 0.2 lbs
- 2000 x 0.5 lbs
- 5000 x 1 lbs
- 10000 x 2 lbs
- 20000 x 10 lbs
Utility Drum Scales
Inscale Utility Scales / Drum Scales
Low profile design for easy access of pallet jacks, dollies, carts and drums rolled on ends, platforms from 30" square to 5' square, 100% mig welded steel construction, 3" square live rails, checkered safety plate, 1" high deck and 8" long ramps, no bolt down required, includes TI-500 indicator
- Legal for Trade
- transportable
- self-contained
- 1000 x 0.2 lbs
- 2000 x 0.5 lbs
- 5000 x 1 lbs
Utility Drum Scales
Inscale Stainless Steel Floor Scales
NTEP Legal for Trade
Inscale stainless steel digital floor scales are NTEP legal for trade with capacities of either 5000 or 10000 pounds and platform sizes from 2 x 2 feet up to 5 x 7 feet. Comes complete with a NEMA 4X stainless steel TI-600 indicator. Installs in 15 minutes or less!

- Legal for Trade
- Platform sizes:
- 2 x 2 ft
- 3 x 3 ft
- 4 x 4 ft
- 4 x 5 ft
- 4 x 6 ft
- 5 x 5 ft
- 5 x 7 ft

- 5000 x 1 lb
- 10000 x 2 lb
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