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Mark 10 Series 3i Digital Force / Torque Gauge

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The 3i digital force / torque indicator is designed to work with a wide range of Mark-10 remote force and torque sensors. With exclusive Plug & TestTM technology, all calibration and configuration data is saved within the sensor’s smart connector, not the indicator, allowing for true interchangeability. In addition, all sensors are fully compatible with the advanced 5i force / torque indicator
Mark 10 Series 3 Digital Force Gauges CALL NOW 800-832-0055

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Mark-10 Model 3i
Digital Force / Torque Gauge

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Mark-10 Plug & Test PTA Adapter
Mark-10 Plug & Test PTA Adapter , add $261.25
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                                         Compatible Remote Force and Torque Sensors
Remote Force and Torque Sensors
S-beam force sensors, tension and compression
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Miniature button force sensors, compression only
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Inline force sensors, tension and compression
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Miniature S-beam force sensors, tension and compression
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Fully enclosed smart sensors, push and pull
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Wire Crimp Pull Sensor
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Universal torque sensors
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Universal torque sensors with interchangeable attachments
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Tool calibration torque sensors
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Square Drive Torque Sensors
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The 3i digital force / torque indicator is designed to work with a wide range of Mark-10 remote force and torque sensors (see below). With exclusive Plug & TestTM technology, all calibration and configuration data is saved within the sensor’s smart connector, not the indicator, allowing for true interchangeability. In addition, all sensors are fully compatible with the advanced 5i force / torque indicator and the Pro 7i force / torque indicator

The 3i shares its menu structure and most specifications with Series 3 digital force gauges. The sampling rate is 2,000 Hz, producing accurate results under a wide range of test conditions. A backlit graphic LCD displays large characters, and a menu is available to access the gauges’ features and configurable parameters. The display also features an analog load bar for graphical representation of applied load, as well as set point indicators for pass-fail testing. USB output is provided for data collection purposes.

The gauges include MESURTM Lite data acquisition software. MESURTM Lite tabulates continuous or single point data. One-click export to Excel allows for further data manipulation


  • Interchangeable force and torque sensors through Plug & TestTM technology
  • High-speed 2,000 Hz sampling rate
  • USB data output
  • Ultra-compact size
  • Large backlit graphic display
  • Programmable set points with pass/fail indicators
  • Live load bar graph with set point markers
  • Peak readings and set points always displayed
  • Configurable audio alarms and key tones
  • Programmable auto-shutoff
  • Configurable audio alarms and key tones
  • Battery or AC operation
  • MESURTM Lite data collection software included
  • CE mark
Display of the 3i

Plug & Testtm Force Sensors

Mark 10 Plug & TestTM Force Sensor

for the Mark-10 3i, Mark-10 5i and Mark-10 7i digital indicators
S-beam force sensors, tension and compression
S-beam force sensors, tension and compression
Miniature button force sensors, compression only
Miniature button force sensors, compression only
Inline force sensors, tension and compression
Inline force sensors, tension and compression
Miniature S-beam force sensors, tension and compression
Miniature S-beam force sensors, tension and compression
Fully enclosed smart sensors, push and pull
Fully enclosed smart sensors, push and pull
Wire Crimp Pull Sensor
Wire Crimp Pull Sensor

Mark 10 Plug & TestTM Torque Sensor

for the Mark-10 3i, Mark-10 5i and Mark-10 7i digital indicators

Universal torque sensors

Universal torque sensors with interchangeable attachments

Tool calibration torque sensors

Square Drive Torque Sensors

Model Model 3i Model 5i Model 7i
Price Mark 10  Model 3i Digital Force / Torque Gauge With exclusive Plug & TestTM technology
Mark 10  Model 5i Digital Force / Torque Gauge With exclusive Plug & TestTM technology
Mark 10  Model 7i Professional Force / Torque Gauge With exclusive Plug & TestTM technology
Accuracy (% of full scale + sensor) +0.2% +0.1% +0.1%
Sampling rate 2,000 Hz 7,000 Hz 14,000 Hz
Resolution 1/1,000 up to 1/2,000, depending on sensor up to 1/2,000, depending on sensor
Compatibility with Mark-10 sensors via Plug & Test TM Technology YES YES YES
Data outputs USB USB, RS-232, Mitutoyo, analog USB, RS-232, Mitutoyo, analog
ASCII command set for external communication “?” command only (for continuous or individual data point output) YES YES
Data capture & storage capabilities* - 1,000 individually saved readings Continuous data capture at up to 14,000 Hz, with buffer, or individually saved readings, 5,000 readings total
Statistical calculations and output to PC - YES YES
Break detection* - - YES
1st / 2nd peak detection* - - YES
Programmable footswitch command string - - YES
Averaging mode - YES YES
External trigger mode - YES YES
Set points (for pass / fail indication) Yes with high / low indicators, markers on analog bar graph, no output Yes, with high / low indicators, markers on analog bar graph, and outputs Yes, with high / low indicators, markers on analog bar graph, and outputs
Password Protection, for keys and calibration - YES YES
Sensor password protection YES YES YES
Overload outputs, w/separate pins for each direction - YES YES
Units of measurement 3 5 7, including coefficient of friction unit and user-defined unit
Peaks and analog load bar always shown on display YES YES YES
Included items Same as Model 7i / 5i, with certificate of calibration without data Carrying case with complete set of attachments, AC adapter, rechargeable battery, and calibration cert with data Carrying case with complete set of attachments, AC adapter, rechargeable battery, and calibration cert with data


Wire Terminal Grips

Wire / Rope Grips

Wheel Wire Terminal Grips

Dual Roller Grip

Adjustable Dual Roller Grip

High Capacity Eccentric Roller Grip

Film & Paper Grips

Pneumatic Grip

Parallel Jaw Grip
Parallel Jaw Vise-Action Grip
Parallel Jaw Vise-Action Grip

Self-Tightening Wedge Grip

Miniature Component Grip

Bottle Grip

Cap Grip

Jacob's Chuck Grip

Compression Plates

Rubber Tip

Swivel Adapter

STH Attachments

Jacob's Chuck Grip


Flat Heads

Extension Rods

Chisel Points

Cone Points

V Grooves

Thread Adapters

Padded Attachments

Lock Ring

Anchor Pin

Eye End Adapters

Coefficient of Friction

Score Bend Fixture

Opening Force Fixture Set

Vise Grips

Miniature Wedge

Multi-Jaw Grip

Universal Cap Grip

Clevis Grip

High Capacity Wire/Rope Grip

Bend Fixtures

Loop Tack Fixture

Syringe Compression Fixture

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