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Rice Lake TP-Series Tuning Fork Precision Balances

The simple, straightforward design of Rice Lake’s TP Series balance creates for an effortless user experience. Equipped with the unique Mono-Metal Tuning Fork Sensor (MMTS), this balance series brings remarkable response time and exceptional stability to any setting.

TP-220, TP-420NT

TP-820, TP-1200NT, TP-3200, TP-4200NT, TP-6200NT, TP-8200, TP-12K
Specifications Chart
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Practical. Portable. Precise. The simple, straightforward design of Rice Lake’s TP Series balance creates for an effortless user experience. Equipped with the unique Mono-Metal Tuning Fork Sensor (MMTS), this balance series brings remarkable response time and exceptional stability to any setting.

User Friendly: Functions that are easy to use and understand come standard with the TP Series balance. Enhance productivity with modes such as unit counting and percentage weighing. Adapt to any type of standard with the ability to weigh in 12 different measurement units.

Compact: The compact and manageable size of the TP Series balance is suitable for even the most limited of space. A footprint smaller than a sheet of paper makes it perfect for crowded work environments.

Responsive: Each balance performs with incredible sensitivity and stability by relying on its dynamic tuning fork sensor. Plug in and go without waiting for stabilization.

To Be the Best By Every Measure Rice Lake Weighing Systems is an international leader in the manufacture and distribution of weight-related products and process-control equipment. Within this ISO 9001 registered company, progressive new technologies merge with the wisdom of industry experience and create the future of weighing through cutting-edge research and design.

Rice Lake TP-Series Tuning Fork Precision Balances


For TP-220, TP-420NT, TP-820, TP-1200NT
Rice Lake 107249 Rechargeable  Battery Pack for TP-220, TP-420NT, TP-820, TP-1200NT
Rice Lake 107249 Rechargeable Battery Pack for TP-220, TP-420NT, TP-820, TP-1200NT, add $117.37
Rice Lake 107240 In-Use Cover for TP-220, TP-420NT, TP-820, TP-1200NT
Rice Lake 107240 In-Use Cover for TP-220, TP-420NT, TP-820, TP-1200NT, add $30.00
Rice Lake 109236 Underweigh Hook for TP-220, TP-420NT, TP-820, TP-1200NT , TS-620,TS-6200,TS-8200,TC-620, TC-1200
Rice Lake 109236 Underweigh Hook for TP-220, TP-420NT, TP-820, TP-1200NT , TS-620,TS-6200,TS-8200,TC-620, TC-1200, add $30.00
For -3200, TC-4200NT, TC-6200NT, TP-8200, TP-12K
Rice Lake 107237 Rechargeable  Battery Pack for TP-3200, TC-4200NT, TC-6200NT, TP-8200, TP-12K
Rice Lake 107237 Rechargeable Battery Pack for TP-3200, TC-4200NT, TC-6200NT, TP-8200, TP-12K, add $117.37
Rice Lake 107250 In-Use Cover for  TP-3200, TC-4200NT, TC-6200NT, TP-8200, TP-12K
Rice Lake 107250 In-Use Cover for TP-3200, TC-4200NT, TC-6200NT, TP-8200, TP-12K, add $30.00
Rice Lake 109292 Underweigh Hook for TP-3200, TC-4200NT, TC-6200NT, TP-8200, TP-12K, TC-4200, TC-6200
Rice Lake 109292 Underweigh Hook for TP-3200, TC-4200NT, TC-6200NT, TP-8200, TP-12K, TC-4200, TC-6200, add $30.00

Experience sensitivity 50 times greater than that of any load cell and maintain incredible long-term stability. The remarkable response time and exceptional stability is due to three main attributes:
  • Equipped with superior heat capacity and conductivity, the temperature range of a tuning fork balance is extremely small, ultimately achieving higher accuracy.
  • The tuning fork sensor does not require any A-D converters, analog circuits or magnetic circuits.
  • Tuning fork balances do not incorporate an internal magnetic coil, enabling them to remain virtually free from damaging dust.
Tuning fork balances have consistently outperformed traditional load-cell-based balances. The mono-metal turning fork sensor provides unrivaled stability with an extremely small margin of error. Tuning fork balances are easy to maintain and provide superior performance Rice Lake TP Series - APPLICATIONS

JEWELRY and PAWN - Grams Pennyweight Carat
For gold and other precious metals, a TP balance provides the repetitive accuracy necessary for weighing in grams, pennyweight and carat.

GRAIN - Percentage Weighing
Percentage weighing determines the quality of a bulk grain sample. With a TP balance, results are precise; increasing profits and eliminating wasted material.

PHARMACEUTICAL - Grams Pharmaceutical Counting
In a fast-moving pharmacy setting, accurate weighment is critical. TP balances not only have a quick response time but also the precision required for weighing in grams, milligrams and pharmaceutical counting.

LEGAL for TRADE - Grams Pounds Ounces
Approved for use in commercial transactions, TP balances can meet Legal for Trade requirements in grams, pounds and ounces.

    Standard Features
  • External weight calibration
  • Large, 16.5 mm-high backlit liquid crystal display (LCD)
  • Selectable modes: weight, unit, count and percentage
  • 12 units of measurement
  • Mono-Metal Tuning Fork Sensor (MMTF) provides quick response and stability
  • 20-step bar graph display
  • 115 VAC adapter included (230 VAC optional)
  • One part in 620,000 resolution
  • RS-232 bidirectional
  • Plastic housing on models < 1,000 g, plastic top and die cast bottom on models > 1,000 g
Model TP-220 TP-820 TP-3200 TP-4200NT TP-6200NT TP-8200 TP-12K
107244 108155 163604 163606 107247 107248
Rice Lake TP-220 Tuning F
Rice Lake TP-820 Tuning F
Rice Lake TP-3200 Tuning
Rice Lake TP-6200NT Tunin

Rice Lake TP-8200 Tuning
Rice Lake TP-12K Tuning F
220 x 0.001 g 820 x 0.01 g 3,200 x 0.01 g 6,200 x 0.01 g 8,200 x 0.1 g 12,000 x 0.1 g
Legal for Trade - - - NTEP CC 09-002
Class II
- -
Operating Modes Counting, Percentage, Limit Function (checkweighing)
Pan Size Ø 4.6 in (116.8 mm) 6.6 in x 5.5 in (167.6 x 139.7 mm) 7 in x 6.2 in (177.8 x 157.5 mm)
Dimensions 9.2 x 7.1 x 6.6 in
(including windshield)
(235 x 182 x 170 mm
9.2 x 7.1 x 2.9 in
(235 x 182 x 75 mm)
10.1 x 7.5 x 3.4 in
(265 x 192 x 87 mm)
Repeatability 1 division
Linearity 1 division
Operating Temperature 41o F to 95o F (5o C to 35o C)
Est. Ship Weight 2.9 lb (1.3 kg) 6.2 lb (2.8 kg
Calibration Weight 200 g 800 g 1,000 g 3,000 g 4,000 g 6,000 g 8,000 g 12,000 g
RS232 Specifications Baud rate - 1200/2400/2800/9600; Data bits - 8, Connector - DIN 5-Pin
Power 120 VAC adapter
Battery Option Nickel Cadmium battery, 12-hour run time, 24-hour charge time
Warranty Five-year limited warranty
Decimal Ounce 7.7 x 0.00005 oz 28 x 0.0005 oz 42 x 0.0005 oz 110. x 0.0005 oz 140 x 0.01 oz 210 x 0.001 oz 280 x 0.005 oz 420 X 0.005 oz
Decimal Pound 0.48 x 0.00001 lb 1.8 x 0.00005 lb 2.6 x 0.00005 lb 7.0 x 0.00005 lb 9.2 x 0.0001 lb 13 x 0.0001 lb 18 x 0.0005 lb 26 x 0.0005 lb
Troy Ounce 7 x 0.00005 ozt 26 x 0.0005 ozt 38 x 0.0005 ozt 100 x 0.0005 ozt 130 x 0.001 ozt 190 x 0.001 ozt 260 x 0.005 ozt 380 x 0.005 ozt
*Pennyweight 140 x 0.001 dwt 520 x 0.01 dwt - 2,000 x 0.01 dwt - - 5,200 x 0.1 dwt 7,700 x 0.1 dwt
Carat 1,100 x 0.01 ct 4,100 x 0.05 ct 6,000 x 0.05 ct 16,000 x 0.05 ct 21,000 x 0.1 ct 31,000 x 0.1 ct 41,000 x 0.5 ct 60,000 x 0.5 ct
Momme 58 x 0.0005 mom 210 x 0.005 mom - 850 x 0.01 mom - - 2100 x 0.05 mom 3200 x 0.05 mom
Grain Unit 3,300 x 0.02 GN 12,000 x 0.2 GN - 48,000 x 0.2 GN - - 120,000 x 2 GN 180,000 x 2 GN
Tael 5.8 x 0.00005 21 x 0.0005 - 85 x 0.001 - - 210 x 0.005 320 x 0.005
Tola 18 x 0.0001 70 x 0.001 - 270 x 0.001 - - 700 x 0.01 1000 x 0.01
Measurable Unit Weight 0.03 g 0.03 g 0.01 g 0.3 g 0.3 g 0.01 g 3 g 3 g
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