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  Torque Sensors

Chatillon Ametek Torque Sensors
Torque Sensors
Here You can find a great selection of Force Gauges from top brands
Chatillon AQM-0200 Remote Torque Sensor Use with DFS3 - 200 x 0.01 Lbf.in

Price: $1,996.90
Chatillon AQM-0100 Remote Torque Sensor Use with DFS3 - 100 x 0.001 Lbf.in

Price: $1,996.90
Chatillon AQM-0050 Remote Torque Sensor Use with DFS3 - 50 x 0.001 Lbf.in

Price: $1,996.90
Chatillon AQM-0012 Remote Torque Sensor Use with DFS3 - 12 x 0.0001 Lbf.in

Price: $1,996.90
Chatillon AQM-0003 Remote Torque Sensor Use with DFS3 - 3 x 0.0001 Lbf.in

Price: $1,996.90
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