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RADWAG XA 520.4Y.B.A Analytical Balance with Automatic Door and Wireless Terminal 520 g x 0.1 mg

Radwag Balances and Scales
A distinguishing feature of the XA 4Y.A is the automatic side glass doors with infrared proximity sensors located on the terminal. The XA 4Y Series also includes an internal automatic adjustment system using a built-in mass standard. more ...
Laboratory Equipment > Analytical Balances > Analytical - 0.1 mg
RADWAG XA 520.4Y.B.A Analytical Balance with Automatic Door and Wireless Terminal 520 g x 0.1 mg

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Capacity x Readability
520 gx 0.1 mg
Pan Size
160 mm (Diameter)
RADWAG XA 520.4Y.B.A Analytical Balance with Automatic Door and Wireless Terminal 520 g x 0.1 mg
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(48 US States Only)

Price: $11,585.25

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SKU: XA-520.4Y.B.A


The XA 4Y.A Series Analytical Balance features a new 5.7” color touch screen display – a modern interface for balance operation and measurement presentation. It enables customized parameter selection along with user profiles.

A distinguishing feature of the XA 4Y.A is the automatic side glass doors with infrared proximity sensors located on the terminal. The XA 4Y Series also includes an internal automatic adjustment system using a built-in mass standard. The balance level is monitored by LevelSENSING system, a RADWAG patented solution including an electronic level. The 3Y Series has standard online monitoring of ambient conditions using either internal sensors or the external THB 3 series module.

The XA 4Y Series includes a large weighing chamber protected by an anti-draft shield from ambient conditions – this also ensures cleanness of the chamber interior. The weighing chamber design enables fast and easy disassembling of its glass parts thus ensuring clean weighing area and sterility.

The interactive mode of the XA 4Y Series guarantees speed and reliability for formulations based on data acquired from balance databases. Differential weighing mode facilitates incremental counting processes. Extended databases enable a user to keep records of all acquired measurements; additionally, data export and printing is available. >A newly implemented pipette calibration mode supported by a dedicated adapter forms an ergonomic tool for calibrating and checking of piston pipettes by means of a gravimetric measuring method.

Due to standardized and customizable printout formats, a user can design and document practically any process in accordance with the requirements of GLP/GMP methods. The balance also features an independent mass control mode compatible with automatic feeder PA-02/H Series.

Innovative 2-point adjustment system
Brand new adjustment system guarantees the highest measurement accuracy. It minimizes linearity errors simultaneously providing reliable indications for the whole weighing range.

Faster measurement with the new CPU
4Y balances feature Dual Core 2 x 1 GHz processor which delivers noticeable performance improvements including faster operation and shorter stabilization time retaining high repeatability values.

Monitoring and elimination of electrostatics
Installation of an additional deionizer module in a weighing chamber facilitates automatic detection and elimination of electrostatics effect to which both, sample and container intended for measurement may be subjected.

8 GB of memory – more data management possibilities
8 GB of memory offers possibility of recording data in a form of complex reports. Time and statistic data diagrams on series of weighments are another useful option.

The best possible repeatability and USP regulations conformity
The best weighing accuracy and repeatability – with sd = 1d combined with USP regulations conformity (Section 41 and 1251) make 4Y balances a new standard for mass measurement quality.

Ergonomics and safety
Wireless communication between balance terminal and a weighing unit make it possible to comfortably operate 4Y series balances in laminar air flow cabinets and fume cupboards.

Remote control operation
Wireless Connection offers wireless transfer of data recorded by 4Y balance to any portable device powered by iOS or Android systems using special applications intended for data management.

Data safety
Every single 4Y balance features ALIBI memory designed to provide protection and automatic recording of your measurements. Options such as data preview, copying and archiving are also available to users.


  • AUTOTEST - Diagnostic function aiming at metrological parameters determination (repeatability), the parameters are determined for the actual conditions of use. When speaking of repeatability it may be also used for weighing time optimization. Autotest is operated in an automatic mode thus operator’s time is saved.
  • CHECKWEIGHING - Checkweighing function is used for checking whether the measured sample mass is within the predefined threshold values, Low [LO] and Hgh [HI]. The thresholds are given in [g] and [kg] units. Current state of a sample being measured is signalled by means of pictorgams located on a display for laboratory balances, for industrial scales Stackligt System is used. This visual /- inspection is in operation during segregation, control or packing process of products for which mass has bees determined with a specifaied tolerance, eg. 12860 g 961
  • DOSING - Weighing process for which reference mass has been determined together with tolerance for its determination. Dosing tolerance is given in [%] and it is calculated in relation to the reference value thus being a permissible deviation of this process. This solution is used for weighing powders, liquids and loose materials. Dosing function performance is often supported with bargraph - load indicator. For industrial scales it is possible to use a control systems of dosing process
  • PIPETTES CALIBRATION - Function verifying correctness of piston pipettes functioning, the verification is performed via gravimetric measurement of the excreted liquid. Pipettes calibration may be either a stand-alone module or it may be operated
  • AIR DENSITY CORRECTION - Function performing correction of mass measurement indication, wherein the air density is taken into account. It is used in balances with reading unit < 0,01 mg.
  • PARTS COUNTING - Function using mass measurement for determination of measured items quantity. Mass of a single item is required for this process. It may be either estimated through weighment or taken from a database. For items counting the following algorithm is used: all items mass / single item mass = quantity. Function operation is supperted by a mechanism of Automatic Correction of Accuracy. This allows to update single item mass in course of the process. To a certain extend Automatic Correction of Accuracy eliminates error which may be a result of different mass values of seemingly alike single elements. For industry solutions items counting may be simultaneously carried out with checkweighing and dosing thus industry solutions feature audio signalling base informing that specified number of items has been weighed. It is possible to apply weighing systems using few platfroms of different MAX capacities and different accuracies.
  • PERCENT SETUP - Percent setup function is used for comparision of measured products with mass standard. Mass of a mass standard may be a numeric value taken from a database or it may be determined through a measurement process. Each measured product is compared to mass standard, mass of which is presumed as a model 100% ideal mass. For products weighing less than the mass standard, obtained results are lower than 100%, for products weighing more, the obtained results are greatly excessed.
  • GLP PROCEDURES - Diagnostic function allowing to objectively document performed measurements. GLP procedures may be either presented in a short report form or extended one.
  • ALIBI MEMORY - The used ALIBI memory is a data secure area and allows to record up to 100 000 weighment records. It ensures security of constant data register in the long time period.
  • FORMULATION - Function supporting the mixture making process, wherein the mixture contains various components. Formulation function usually uses the balance/scale database of components. Formulation serves for monitored checkweighing of every single component with a given tolerance. It is enriched with a set of individual settings.
  • IR SENSORS - Programmable function supporting the weighing process through control of the following options: sliding weighing chamber doors, printout, zeroing, tarring etc. Especially appreciated wherever preventing the balance from soiling is important
  • STATISTICS - Statistiscs function registers and analyses performed measurements. This supplies the user withthe following information: Max and Min standard deviation, average value, variance, range et.
  • ANIMAL WEIGHING - Process of mass determination for a product which may unwillingly reposition within the weighing pan. Mass determination in such cases requires much longer period of time when compared to typical weighing process. It is the user who defines period of time needed for control of measured product mass. The user can thus optimaze the function depending on the measured product characteristics.
  • DENSITY DETERMINATION - Liquid or solid body density function uses the Archimedes principle and it requires a special kit to be applied. The kit when used, replaces a weighing pan. For solids mass of the sample must be determined first in the air, next in the liquid of specified density. For liquids the so called sinker, density of which has been determined, must be measured first in the air, next in the tested liquid. The density determination process is disturbed by air bubbles which may stick either to the measured sample or the sinker. In case of laboratory equipment very light solids may be measured. For industry, solid bodies density may be determined by means of under-pan weighing. Tested load of significant size may be measured this way.
  • AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR (XA 4Y.A Models Only) - Door opened automatically

Weight: 25.00 lb
2 Year Manufacture Warranty
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RADWAG XA 220.4Y PLUS Analytical Balance with Auto Level 220 g x 0.1 mg
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RADWAG XA 310.4Y.A Analytical Balance with Automatic Door 310 g x 0.1 mg
RADWAG XA 310.4Y.A Analytical Balance with Automatic Door 310 g x 0.1 mg
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Capacity x Readability : 310 g x 0.1 mg

Pan Size: 100 mm (Diameter)
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RADWAG XA 310.4Y PLUS Analytical Balance with Auto Level 310 g x 0.1 mg
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RADWAG XA 520.4Y.A Analytical Balance with Automatic Door 520 g x 0.1 mg
RADWAG XA 520.4Y.A Analytical Balance with Automatic Door 520 g x 0.1 mg
SKU: XA-520.4Y.A
Capacity x Readability : 520 g x 0.1 mg

Pan Size: 160 mm (Diameter)
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RADWAG XA 520.4Y.B.A Analytical Balance with Automatic Door and Wireless Terminal 520 g x 0.1 mg $11,585.25
RADWAG XA 520.4Y PLUS Analytical Balance with Auto Level 520 g x 0.1 mg
RADWAG XA 520.4Y PLUS Analytical Balance with Auto Level 520 g x 0.1 mg
Capacity x Readability : 520 g x 0.1 mg

Pan Size: 160 mm (Diameter)
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RADWAG XA 520.4Y PLUS Analytical Balance with Auto Level and Wireless Terminal 520 g x 0.1 mg $6,975.38
RADWAG XA 520.4Y.A PLUS Analytical Balance with Automatic Door and Auto Level  520 g x 0.1 mg $9,442.76
RADWAG XA 520.4Y.A PLUS.B Analytical Balance with Automatic Door Auto Level and Wireless Terminal  520 g x 0.1 mg $9,933.67


Model with Auto Level XA 82/220.4Y PLUS XA 120/250.4Y PLUS XA 110.4Y PLUS XA 210.4Y PLUS XA 220.4Y PLUS XA 310.4Y PLUS XA 520.4Y PLUS
Model with Wireless Terminal & Auto Level XA 82/220.4Y PLUS.B XA 120/250.4Y PLUS.B XA 110.4Y PLUS.B XA 210.4Y PLUS.B XA 220.4Y PLUS.B XA 310.4Y PLUS XA 520.4Y PLUS
Model with Automatic Door XA-82/220.4Y.A XA-120/250.4Y.A XA-110.4Y.A XA-210.4Y.A XA-220.4Y.A XA-310.4Y.A XA 520.4Y.A
Model with Automatic Door & Wireless Terminal XA-82/220.4Y.B.A XA-120/250.4Y.B.A XA-110.4Y.B.A XA-210.4Y.B.A XA-220.4Y.B.A XA-310.4Y.B.A XA-520.4Y.B.A
Model With
Automatic Door & Auto Level
XA 82/220.4Y.A PLUS XA 120/250.4Y.A PLUS XA 110.4Y.A PLUS XA 210.4Y.A PLUS XA 220.4Y.A PLUS XA 310.4Y.A PLUS XA 520.4Y.A PLUS
Model With
Automatic Door & Auto Level & Wireless Terminal
XA 82/220.4Y.A PLUS.B XA 120/250.4Y.A PLUS.B XA 110.4Y.A PLUS.B XA 210.4Y.A PLUS.B XA 220.4Y.A PLUS.B XA 310.4Y.A PLUS.B XA 520.4Y.A PLUS.B
Capacity x Readability 82 g x 0.01 mg
220 g x 0.1 mg
120 g x 0.01 mg
250 g x 0.1 mg
110 g x 0.01 mg 210 g x 0.01 mg 220 g x 0.1 mg 310 g x 0.1 mg 520 g x 0.1 mg
Tare range -220 g -250 g -110 g -210 g -220 g -310 g -520 g
Linearity ±0.06/0.2 mg ±0.06/0.2 mg ±0.06 mg ±0.1 mg ±0.2 mg ±0.3 mg ±0.3 mg
Eccentric load deviation 0.2 mg 0.2 mg 0.06 mg 0.1 mg 0.2 mg 0.3 mg 0.3 mg
Repeatability 0.01/0.08 mg 0.01/0.08 mg 0.01 mg 0.01 mg 0.08 mg 0.08 mg 0.08 mg
Sensitivity offset 2 × 10-6 × Rt
Sensitivity temperature drift 1×10-6 /ºC×Rt
Sensitivity stability 1×10-6 /Year×Rt
Minimum weight (USP) 20 mg 160 mg
Minimum weight 2 mg 16 mg
Pan size ø 90 mm ø 100 mm
Weighing chamber dimensions 170 × 200 × 220 mm
Stabilization time max 4 s max 2.5 s
Sensitivity drift 1ppm/°C in temperature +15 - +35 °C
Working temperature +10 ÷ +40 °C
Adjustment / Calibration automatic (internal)
Atmospheric humidity 40% ÷ 80%
Display 5.7” color resistive touch screen
Power supply 13.5 ÷ 16 V DC / 700 mA
Casing of the terminal ABS plastic
Processor 2 × 1 GHz
Memory RAM: 256 MB DDR2, flash: 8 GB microSD
Interface 2×USB, 2×RS 232, Ethernet, 4Inputs/4Outputs, Wireless Connection
Net weight/Gross weight 12.7/16.4 kg 9.8/14.3 kg
Rt - net weight
** - Non-condensing conditions

Additional equipment

  • Anti vibration table for microbalance
  • Profesional weighing table
  • Impact Epson printer
  • Label printer Citizen
  • Anti draft shield for microbalances
  • "Tare" and "Print" foot button
  • "PW-WIN" computer software
  • "RAD-KEY" computer software
  • "REC-FS" computer software
  • Antistatic ionizer DJ-03
  • THB 2 ambient conditions module
  • Additional LCD display "WD-5"
  • PC keyboard
  • Power adapter with battery and charger ZR-02
  • Mass standard
  • Antistatic cable
  • Bar code scanner
  • Cable RS 232 (balance - computer) "P0108"
  • Cable RS 232 (balance - Epson, Citizen printer) "P0151"
4Y Series RADWAG Balances

4Y Series RADWAG Balances

* within the 48 continental US States

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