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Cardinal Detecto EB-190 IP69K Storm Bench Scales

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DETECTO Cardinal Scale’s EB-190 series bench scales features the versatile 190 Storm indicators. Impact resistant and protected from sharp objects, such as scissors and knives, the EB-190’s weight indicator is uniquely suited to food processing and packaging, pharmaceuticals, recycling and the chemical industry. Stainless steel construction of the scale platform and column ensures daily dependability. Other features include capacitive touch keys, 1-inch (25 mm) high clearly visible LCD digits, built-in RS232 communications port, ColorZONE checkweighing, and versatile power options. ColorZONE is the solution for efficient time management during your checkweighing processes. The bright, vivid display, changes color automatically as the pre-assigned target weights are reached. NTEP and Measurement Canada legal-for-trade certification.
Cardinal Detecto EB-190 IP69K Storm Scales
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Legal For Trade Canada Measurement
made in the USA Specifications Chart
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Cardinal Scale’s EB-190 series bench scales features the versatile 190 Storm indicators. Impact resistant and protected from sharp objects, such as scissors and knives, the EB-190’s weight indicator is uniquely suited to food processing and packaging, pharmaceuticals, recycling and the chemical industry. Stainless steel construction of the scale platform and column ensures daily dependability. Other features include capacitive touch keys, 1-inch (25 mm) high clearly visible LCD digits, built-in RS232 communications port, ColorZONE checkweighing, and versatile power options. ColorZONE is the solution for efficient time management during your checkweighing processes. The bright, vivid display, changes color automatically as the pre-assigned target weights are reached. NTEP and Measurement Canada legal-for-trade certification.

Colorzone Checkweighing
ColorZONE is the solution for efficient time management during your checkweighing processes. The bright, vivid display, changes color automatically as the pre-assigned target weights are reached. You know immediately when you’ve hit the acceptable weight range. EB bench scales featuring the 190 indicator display amber for under weight, green for accepted weights, and bright red when weights exceed the upper weight limit. The target weights are easy to assign using the scale’s capacitive touch keypad and can be quickly changed as different sized products are weighed.

Ultra-Tough Construgction The combination of the 190 STORM weight indicator’s rugged polycarbonate enclosure with the capacitive touch keys provide the ultimate in protection. The IP69K water-tight, highlydurable enclosure allows operation in the harshest environments while the EB bench scale’s stainless steel construction ensures the day in and day out dependability you require for your most demanding weighing applications.

Capacitance Touch KeyCapacitance is a measure of a person’s ability to hold an electrical charge. The 190 indicator used with the EB bench scale features a unique capacitance sensing keyboard that eliminates the need for any opening in the front of the indicator. Special circuitry behind the front panel of the 190 senses the presence of the operator’s finger and responds accordingly. A red status LED for each key signals to the operator that their touch has been received.

  • Large 1-inch-high clear and bold LCD readouts
  • Rugged IP69K-rated polycarbonate weight display
  • Durable stainless steel base and column
  • Stab, poke, and prod it... the EB series bench scales' model 190 indicator will hold up to the abuse!
  • The Cardinal EB bench scale series features the 190 STORM indicator which offers IP69K protection against sharp objects often used in food processing environments.
  • Food Processing
  • Chemical Industry
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Recycling
  • Food Packaging
  • Built-in RS232 serial communications port
  • Adjustable mounting bracket tilts the display for convenient viewing angle
  • Adjustable feet for uneven weighing surfaces

Specifications Charts

MODEL EB-15-190 EB-30-190 EB-60-190 EB-150-190 EB-300-190
Price Detecto EB-15-190 Storm Splash-Proof Legal for Trade Bench Scale 15 x 0.005 lb
Detecto EB-30-190 Storm Splash-Proof Legal for Trade Bench Scale 30 x 0.01 lb
Detecto EB-60-190 Storm Splash-Proof Legal for Trade Bench Scale 60 lb x 0.02 lb
Detecto EB-150-190 Storm Splash-Proof Legal for Trade Bench Scale 150 lb x 0.05 lb
Detecto EB-300-190 Storm Splash-Proof Legal for Trade Bench Scale 300 lb x 0.1 lb
Capacity x Readability 15 lb x 0.005 lb
6 kg x 0.002 kg
30 lb x 0.01 lb
15 kg x 0.005 kg
60 lb x 0.02 lb
30 kg x 0.01 kg
150 lb x 0.05 lb
60 kg x 0.02 kg
300 lb x 0.1 lb
150 kg x 0.05 kg
Legal For Trade NTEP Class III INDICATOR: 10-084 - SCALE BASE: 03-031
Measurement Canada Indicator: INDICATOR: AM-5804 - SCALE BASE: AM-5526
OIML R76/1992-DK3-11.05
PLATFORM SIZE 10 in W x 12 in D
25 cm W x 30 cm D
10 in W x 12 in D
25 cm W x 30 cm D
14 in W x 16 in D
36 cm W x 41 cm D
14 in W x 16 in D
36 cm W x 41 cm D
24 in W x 20 in D
61 cm W x 51 cm D
Enclosure Type Indicator: IP69K-rated polycarbonate
Scale Base: Stainless steel
Power Requirements 100 to 240 VAC (50/60 Hz) at 0.4A Max.
Display Six digit, seven segment, 1.0-inch/25-mm high backlit LCD
Signal Input Range 0.5 mV min. to 40 mV max. (with dead load boost)
Operating Temperature 14 to 104 ºF (-10 to +40 ºC)
Number of Load Cells 6 each, 350 OHM minimum resistance
Transducer Excitation 5.18 VDC
Sensitivity NON-COMMERCIAL:0.15 uV/e
Scale Divisions NON-COMMERCIAL: 100 to 240,000
COMMERCIAL: 100 to 10,000 (Class III/IIIL/IIIHD)
Internal Resolution 1 part in 16,777,216
Tare Capacity Scale capacity
Sample Rate 1 to 100 samples per second, selectable
Auto Zero Range 0.5 or 1 through 9 divisions
Weighing Units Pounds, Kilograms, Grams, Ounces
Keypad Color coded capacitive touch type, 7 keys
Country of Origin USA
OVERALL DIMENSIONS 10 in W x 16 in D x 19.3 in H
25 cm W x 41 cm D x 49 cm H
10 in W x 16 in D x 19.3 in H
25 cm W x 41 cm D x 49 cm H
14 in W x 16.8 in D x 25.2 in H
36 cm W x 43 cm D x 64 cm H
14 in W x 16.8 in D x 25.2 in H
36 cm W x 43 cm D x 64 cm H
24 in W x 20.8 in D x 25.5 in H
61 cm W x 53 cm D x 65 cm H

EB-15-190 10 in
25 cm
12 in
30 cm
2.9 in
7 cm
15 in
38 cm
14.7 in
37 cm
19.7 in
50 cm
16.5 in
42 cm
8.5 x 10.5 in
22 x 27 cm
EB-30-190 10 in
25 cm
12 in
30 cm
2.9 in
7 cm
15 in
38 cm
14.7 in
37 cm
19.7 in
50 cm
16.5 in
42 cm
8.5 x 10.5 in
22 x 27 cm
EB-60-190 14 in
36 cm
16 in
41 cm
3.2 in
8 cm
19 in
48 cm
21.4 in
54 cm
26.4 in
67 cm
20 in
51 cm
12 x 14 in
30 x 36 cm
EB-150-190 14 in
36 cm
16 in
41 cm
3.2 in
8 cm
19 in
48 cm
21.4 in
54 cm
26.4 in
67 cm
20 in
51 cm
12 x 14 in
30 x 36 cm
EB-300-190 24 in
61 cm
20 in
51 cm
5.1 in
13 cm
22 in
56 cm
18.7 in
47 cm
25.9 in
66 cm
23.5 in
60 cm
20.9 x 16.9 in
53 x 43 cm
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